Animated Sting


My first initial design for my animated sting, my initial plan was to have the letters drop down one by one in a long row, and once they hit the bottom, they were to bounce up and down to the sound of a mechanical keyboard being tapped. sketches-revised

A Revised version of my first sketch, with a bit more 3D Design implemented. sketches-revised-2chosen-sketch-for-final

These were my final two designs, I ended up selecting the first image of the two as my final design, as it looked a clearer at what I wanted to do, and in the end I think it came out close to the final design, but I would have loved to clean it up a little more, and make it look more professional. letters

The basic design for my animated, I plan to have the letters fade in, bounce, fly and shatter to the sound of a mechanical keyboard. Currently I’m thinking about the design of the letters, as much as I think the design is clean, and looks good, when animating you dont want your audience to think too much about the design of the letters but focus more on the sound and the secondary visual element of the animated letters. As the design is now I think it’s too overwhelming and plan on removing the strokes, and going for one solid colour (black or white)

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